Hi All,
Please write a review so that next year students can read and know what to expect from this class.
Thank You,
Tuncer Can
Friday, January 18, 2008
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This Blog is for lovers of English Language Teaching and Linguistics, We will be discussing contemporary issues concerning Language Acquisition, Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, and Linguistics... Also my 2nd Class Students of ELT Department at İstanbul University Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education will be asked to be particularly active in contributing as part of their class projects and assignments...
this lesson affects language teaching deeply because we ve learned how a language acquired naturally and how we can impose this on our teaching of second language,also we talked about the psycological and linguistic effect on learning..actually 3 lesson(linguistics,english lang.teaching methods and ögrt.ilke ve yönt.) of this semester contribute each other and it makes our leaning cognitive..
i think before knowing how a native language is acquired we cant even guess how to teach second one..therefore the topic language acquisition contribute to me most along this linguistics course..
This lesson has been greatly contributed to my scope of thelanguage.Indeed,my questions and my answers for them are always from the narrow angle and specific aspects,however thanks to this lesson and especially our teacher,ı have started to think deeply about the language,its evolution,its concepts,etc. and my kowledge has been expanded as a conclusion.
you are provoked to ponder on everything to affect the language and invited to discover reasonable and satisfying truths even though you have not reached to a specifis result..
all in all,ı conclude that this lesson is extremely thought-provoking and open to everything in the sense of language,that 's,whatever you think,you are free to express as long as you have a reasonable proof for your opinion..
i have acquired a sense of ability, by means of this lesson, to see language as not only an instrument we use to communicate but as a complex living creature we use in every area of our daily life.One may think that learning linguistics doesn't contribute anything to a student who will be a teacher, or may ask: In which area of our job we'll use linguistics? As future language teachers you will need the knowledge of linguistics when you plan language lessons, assessing the progress made by your students, selecting and evaluating language teaching materials, making decisions on how to present language and in which order, the content of your presentation , when you organize the syllabus etc. So, this lesson shouldn't be ignored.
This year we had 3 basic lessons which will vitally affect our language teaching.Linquistics, one of them, helped me comprehend the how human mind acquire language, how we associate words with meanings and sound, how the words form and theories on it (especially this subject made me create my own point of view about language).Also the term project (recording books in İ.U. library booths) improved my pronounciation at a good rate, I had the opportunity to pronounce Eng. till the book ended and listen &evaluate my pronounciaton.
This lesson, linguistics, can seem tough and maybe boring. Yet, for us, future English teachers, it is important to be aware of the "backstage" of the language.
It helped us to observe the language and its components deeply. We studied its history (and the main theories submitted about it), its acquisition, its relation (location) with the brain etc. I have to stress the fact that everything is presented by the teacher. This requires a full participation to the classes. Of course, students can understand the content by personal studies but participation makes easier the comprehension.
3233060007 (Fr. Öğr. ÇAP)
'linguistics?.. abooo, o da ne ya'
diye başladık bi çoğumuz. hayat bilgisi, fen bilgisi, türkçe derken; sonrasında grammar, vocabulary vs vs. e bi sonra speaking, reading, writing derkene 'linguistics de nesi oluyordu. hııı, demek ki üniversiteden, derslerden korkma vakti gelmişti, öyle ya. zaten hep öyle olmuştu. yeni başladığımız her okulda böylesi önyargılar altında başlamıştık derslere. adları gibi işlenişleri de öylesi bi sıkıcılık ile geçmişti sonra. tuncer can'ın ders işleyiş yöntemi nedir şimdi bi ad bulamayacağım; berlitz e sormak lazım, ya da amerakalı linguist'lere. grammar translat,on desen değil, direct desen değil, army desen daha çok var. audio lingual desen, yetmez. yani beyinlerimizde öğretmen kelimesinin eşleniği tuncr can imgesi oldu desem yeridir. böylesi yeğlenen bi ders işlenişinde işlerin daha kolay, linguistics'in daha rahat olacağını tahmin ediyorduk. hayattan bi çok anlamı alıp linguistics'e tıkacak, sonra bu terimi hayatımızın en değerli varlıklarından biri yapacaktık. hele bi de sınavından yüksek almak var ya sonunda, neyse anladınız.. ders işlendikçe hayata yepyeni anlamlar kattık biz oysa, farkındalık seviyemizi yükselttik.. şu internet denen şeyin source una kadar pek bi şey öğrendik. google daha bi anlamlı oldu. kelimelerde takılıp kaldığımız hayat syntax bataklığında kaldı, linguistics dersiyle semantic den bi vaha da işledik derslerimizi. bir çok kelime öğrenmiş değiliz; hani ingilizce seviyesini ölçmek için kaç kelime bildiğin sorulur ya.. biz linguistics ile kelimelerimizin içini doldurmakla yetindik. yetindik dedim ama, başınızdan aşkın bi dersiniz olacak doğrusu. anlayana tabi..:)
What’s language? This course started with this question.When this question was asked, different ideas and different pictures arised in our minds.We tried to find the explanation of this term by means of our past experiences.Each students thought about the same thing but gave different answers.But at those times we did’t know that it was because of our mendal grammar(as Chomsky believes).However, within time we understand that we could create unlimited number of sentences out of finite word lists.That’s why each sentence that we said was original.This is just one of things that i have gained knowledge by the help of this lesson.Actually we have had idea about ; How language came place , How we acquire it,Where it is mined, How we use it. Etc.
This general knowlege was presented by means of related videos,visuals which make it more likely to be recalled.Also these are supported by classroom discussions and brain storming.
As a member of being an English teacher, I have always been aware of the fact that i am to search the language i’m teaching deeply,as teaching is a serious activity and needs lots of studying.By means of this course i am sure that i have supported my knowledge and studied on it.
Also i want to add that our lecturer helped us a lot to get the knowledge by the most simple and enjoyable way.I think this is clear from the fact that altough there was no checking for attendance sometimes we hardly found a place to sit.This summarizes what i am trying to state.
So. without thinking i can say that “ Linguistics is fantastic.” :) (+)
in this lesson,you will try to figure out the answer of the question'what is language?'you are going to talk about all theory about language.first answers will be simple and familiar with you.however, after reading chomsky,you will understand what a complex subject language is.moreover,you will create a new theory about language whenyou are difficulty in agreeing with theories.you may anxious about the language acquisition:'why are you speaking?''how did you begin to speak?'what did you do in oreder to speak?'you will have information about the all these questions.because you are interested in language,you will enjoy to learn the father of language,saussure:)of course,chomsky is never forgotten.furthermore,broca and wernicke hemispheres divide our brain two parts.
ı want to say sth about this lesson except from lesson information.you will definitely learn about not only linguistics but also daily life,techonolgy,culture,society...etc.you will be sometimes surprise and sometime not understand what it means:)however ı can swear to you that you will learn very eccentric information you can tell your friend.
3231060039 m.u
klasik ders işleme tarzının dışına çıkılabileceğini, belki de çok sıkıcı geçecek bi dersin zevkli kılınabileceğini öğrenebilir kimisi ve belki de bu yolda ilerlemeye çalışır kendince, bi öğretmenin çok yönlü olmasının dersin işleniş tarzına, öğrenciye neler kazandırdığını görür ve daha bir çok anlatılamayan şey- yaşanması gereken, anında gelişen-
ee tabi kimisi de boş gelir gider işte ya da hiç gelmez;siz de görecek belki de onlardan olacaksınız, kimbilir?
this course will be useful or nothing for you. It is up to your intention for this course. The attendance is not compulsive as it always be. Because our instructor wants sts who actually will listen the lessons. If you want to enhance your viewpoint to the things_not only for lessons but also for general things_ you are in the right place. you will take a right step. To tell the truth, I belive my evaluation of the things changed. my approach to the things and viewpoint evolved. I did not raise my hand and say sth about subject in the lesson, but I listened all the discussions and evaluated the things in my mind. I offer you to attend the courses, listen carefully the things and take some notes during the lessons. And for the exams : there is no need to memorizing. all the notes or books are free in the exam. The questions are intended for your interpretation of the things which are explained in the lesson. ıf you want to be successful in the exams you should attend to the courses. Good luck...
bir dilin aslında insanın tüm varlığı olduğunu , insanoğlunun yüzyıllardır ortaya çıkardığı en mütiş şaheser olduğunu,insanlığın tüm yaşanmışlıklarını içinde barındıran, beyninizin esasen iki lobunda da gelişim sürecinde olan,coğrafyanızın rüzgarından bile etkilenen,dilinizin oğzınız içinde duruşunu belirleyen,tümüyle ölümsüzlüğün kapısını aralayan şey olduğunu öğrendim.kitaplarda 'iletişim aracı'diya kestirilip atılan şey olmadıgını öğrendim.görme engelli birisini dilleriyle onları ölümsüz kılan yazarlarla buluşturan bişey işte dil.diliniz sahip olduğunuz herşeydir arkadaşlar ve bu dersi bu kadar anlamlı kılan ,hep margin de durmuş ve bizede oraları göstermiş hocamıza teşekkür ederim.çok başarılı ve sorumluluk sahibi bi öğrenci olmak gerekmio onun dersinden tüm bunları anlamak için.37
son yazdığım cümle yanlış anlaşılmasın o tamamen kenim için yazılmış bir cümle.37
Sometimes, while i am wandering around our faculty, i can easily come across the people who can speak English very fluently and succesfuly without living any difficulty.And i recognize that most of the time these people are not graduate of even a primary school.Most probably, they don't have any information about the background of this language,but that doesn't matter; they CAN speak this language.Furthermore in a much better and correct way than most of us.So, normally you can ask to yourself;what's my difference then?
Especially in our time, to know a foreign language is seen as a means of getting a better position, earning more money,gaining prestige or just enjoying oneself.That's to say it is considered as a tool,while we try to treat it as a'purpose' oppositely.But our aim is not the above-mentioned knowing a foreign language merely.We have to know the answers for these questions:in which ways can i teach this language?,what is the background knowledge must i be familiar with?,what the meaning of language as a concept and how can i use my imagination on it? With these questions, it is easier to feel your difference as an Engilish teacher of the future. This lesson is one of the lesson you probably will think over most of these questions.
Linguistics is a too odd science to deal with.It is so far away being related to our daily activities, but at the same time it's one of them so muh inserted into our lifes.People are already keeping the knowledge in their minds and using it all the time.We are just the ones trying to recognize its existence.So this field can be seen a little bit unneccessary from a distance.But this lesson is possible to be made more productive and pleasurable by means of relating it to our daily lifes,our society,our brain proccessing; to our own shortly.That is what our lecturer put into practise this semester.Of course through his amazing creativity and deep knowledge.
So,as a conclusion i can say that; this is the most practiciable and most academic lesson in which i have been pushed into a thinking proccess.And for the ones supposing that 'her şey Allahtan' attendance is not obligatory:)
bu ders sayesınde alısılmısın dısında bir şekilde ders işledik arkadaslarında söylediği gibi katılım zorunlu değildi ama sınıfta yer bulabilmek için erkenden gelmem gerekiyodu dile farklı boyutta bakmayı dil ile neler yapılabilecegini aslında insanoglunun sahip oldugu en büyük gücün dil oldugunu anladım.
That's to say.,in short,I learn that language is everything which anyone can never copletely define.
Y.S 3231-060081
The Linguistics 1 started with the question ‘what is language?’ And after asking this question Mr. Can said ‘What do you know about the meaning of language different from the common people as a language student?’ Actually this sentence shows the aim of his lesson. Thanks to this course, I have something to tell about the language itself from different points of view than the common people. To sum up,in my opinion this course is just a start for our long language study from a different perspective. 3231060083
What is language?
What is linguistic?
Bu sorularla başlayan dersimiz farklı bir bakış açısı kazandırmaktadır Tuncer Hocamızın o super ders anlatışı ile dersler çok zevkli geçti.Müthiş context^lerle derse başlayarak ders çok eğlenceli hale gelmektedir.Umarım gelecek sene de öğrenciler görme engelliler için kitap okurlar gerçekten çok güzel bir uygulama, şimdiden bu dersi alacak olanlara kolay gelsin:)
linguistic=dil bilimi ama o lisede gördüğmz dilbilimii dersleriyle pek bi alakası yok lisede bu dersten soğumuş hatta nefret etmiş olanlar içün söylüorm bu derse girmek o gün içinde yaptığınz en anlamlı şey olacak geçen dönem çoğu derse mecburiyetten girmiş ve bi tek bu derse eğil hoca kendim bile kendimi zorlamadan derse katılmş biri olarak discourse is fun diyen Tuncer hocama;linguistic is fun with you,too diyor ve emekleri için teşekkr ediorm:)
Bize sürekli ''think large'' dediniz ve diyorsunuz hocam.
Bu ders ile gerçekten de ufkumuz genişledi.ELT alanı gerçekten kolay değil;ancak klasik dil öğretme onu çok daha zor yapmakta.
Sizin farklı tarzınız sayesinde bu işin çok daha kolay olabileceğini gördük.
Bir de çok okumak gerektiğini anladık.
Ancak hocam,
bize biraz da İngilizce'yi öğretseniz çok iyi olacak.
Dili kullanabilmenin püf noktaları vesaire..
Diğer hocalarımız gibi 'Biz burada İngilizce öğretmiyoruz; nasıl öğretmeyi öğretiyoruz!' demeyin lütfen..
Aslında sizinle çok güzel çalışmaları gerçekleştirmek isterdim; ancak çok da çalışmak gerekiyor...
what is language? When you find an answer to this question,it will be easy for the other parts of the course.This course brings a wide awareness of language,you learn the purposes of the things you do when using language.This course will make you a teacher who approaches everything with suspicion and a teacher who konows what she does and why she does.Lastly this is one of the most useful courses I get in University from now on,Thanks the lecturer very much...
To begin with I can say with the "linguistics course I" we students slowly realize the different responsibilities of a "good" teacher and the distincion to an "average" one. In order to teach "language" first we have to define "language", gain knowledge of the different areas of language, the acquisition (also how to write this word) and learning of a language, the different theories of language, the location responsible of language production, the ambiguity of language and the usage and role of language in different branches. And ALL THIS is exactly what you will learn from this course. Besides the contribution of knowledge you gain by this course, I have to acknowledge the way the rather didactical course is presented: creativity combined with jokes. Before coming to class one (or at least I) was usually curious what kind of material and what source of material would be shown this time, sometimes realia, sometimes science and sometimes Avrupa Yakasi sweetened the course.
ben bu dersten şunu çıkardım kesinlikle karşılaştığım bütün olgulara karşı farklı bir bakış açısından bakmayı öğrendim. bundan kastim artık bir anormal durumla karşı karşıya kaldığınızda,bu nedir afallalamayacaksın.mutlaka söylenebilecek iki sözünüz olur.
hi all!
ben dersin ilerde öğretmenlik haytımıza sağlayacağı faydalardan ve kazandırdığı farklı şeylerden bahsetmek istemiyorum çünkü zaten siz bunları farkedip dersi takip edeceksiniz kanaatinndeyim.
ancak sınavlarda kendinize özgü bi düşünceye sahip olduğunuzu veya konu hakkında en azından birşeyler düşündüğünüzü gööstermenizi tavsiye ederim.
felsefe şu:'kahrolsun ezberci eğitim' değil, çünkü ezbercilikle eğitim pek olur şey gibi görünmüyor.
kahrolsun ezbercilik diyorum
thank you,
before coming the lessons,looking the lesson just 5 minutes makes you a good linguist with the help of tuncer can.besides pre-working,being a good listener is also important in this lesson.in conclusion,oyle cok kafa yormaya,cok calısmaya filan gerek yok.sadece ogrenci olmanın gereklerini yerine getirerek a good linguist olmak mümkün.bunu sizin dersiniz sayesinde anlamıs bulunuyorum....
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