Hello Everybody,
This week we have a simple question: " What do you think are some of the solutions in changing the left hemisphere dominant school programs, think of particularly foreign language classrooms?" Remember our discussion of the school programs and the characteristics of the left hemisphere.
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Friday, November 02, 2007
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1 – 200 of 398 Newer› Newest»Much has been claimed about the different roles of the two sides of the brain:that the left hemisphere is the language side of the brain and the right hemisphere is the intuitive or non-verbal side.Each seems to have a different assignment.The left side is verbal,critical and analytic and is responsible for the intellect,rational thinking,logic,awareness and knowledge.It likes to talk and automatically evaluates what it observes.It seems to be dedicated to keeping us safe and sane.the right hemisphere is responsible for creativity,intution,sentiments and for the subconscious.It can be also said that the left side is like train that can travel on one track only while the right can have many trains on multiple tracks traveling simultaneously.The stunning implication for learning languages is this:Second language instruction on the left side of the brain in a traditional class is slow-motion learning because input from the instructor is evaluated by the student's brain as 'lies'and therefore erased almost before the student stands up to leave classroom.But,playing to the right brain first with comprehension means that there is high-speed learning because there is an absence of evaluation by the student's brain, and the student can understand multiple languages simultaneously without one language interfering with another. Therefore if we (as future teachers) try to train both hemisphere, static-free learning is possible for language learners.Some suggestions about supporting the dominance of the right part of the brain: If you integrate for example musıc in to your lessons you will activate both sides.for instance you let them hear Vivaldi's four seasons.their task is to listen to the music and write down their feelings or let them guess which season is played and why?Listening to the music and putting it into a picture is the task of the right half and putting this picture into words is the task of the left half.Another example is playing Scrabble in classrooms.For making a word creativity is required(right h.) and putting the letters together to make a word requires the knowledge of words(left h.). Creating mind maps activates both hemispheres too.On the one side analyzing the text and mapping the lines with subheadings activates left,on the other side the usage of symbols and colors stimulates right.To be able to increase the dominance of the rigt part of the brain we can present a versatile lesson to our students.I mean what and how we teach should address to the five sense of the student.In this respect the visual materials such as picture,poster,vocabulary cadrs...etc and auditory materials like radio series,hearing stories can help us to catch their attention and motivate them to learn.they should feel,touch and even taste.Then our lessons directly address to the right hemisphere of the brain. 3231060005
As we learned in the lesson, our brains have two different sides called left and right hemispheres. Those different sides of the brain control different modes of thinking and learning. Because of the curriculums in use, students are to prefer one mode over the other. Experiments show that different hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different manners of thinking. While left brain thinking is logical, rational, objective and analytical, the right brain thinking is intuitive, random and subjective. In other words, left brain focuses on logical thinking, analysis and accuracy while right brain focuses on aesthetics, feeling and creativity. In general, schools tend to favour left brain modes of thinking and ignore the right brain ones.
The current curriculums are prepared to meet the needs of the students who are supposed to pass the tests to be able to enter both high schools and universities. Therefore, there exists an education system which ignores the talents and interests of the students.Only left brain mode of thinking is applied by giving some questions to students and waiting them to answer according to the formulas that are thought to them without any expactations from the students to think, visualize or interpret. The lessons which aim to train the souls of the students are put into practise as optional subjects. Instructors who have the point of view that those lessons are not important let the students study more ‘important’ lessons.
In order to do away with that kind of application, there should be some changes in curriculums and even the views of the students to education. Firstly, in order to bring up more "whole brained" students, schools need to give equal weight to the arts, creativity, and the skills of imagination and synthesis. Demonstration, observation, role playing, case study, group discussion are some of the techniques which can be used in order to develop right mode of thinking. Teachers should use instruction techniques that connect with both sides of the brain. They can increase their classroom's right-brain learning activities by incorporating more patterning, metaphors, analogies, role playing, visuals, and movement into their reading, calculation, and analytical activities. For instance in English learning classrooms, we can make use of different materials and activities in order to create an active environment for the students. While studying the ‘animals’ subject, we should avoid just writing the name of the animal ‘elephant’ and the meaning of it in mother tongue ‘fil’. This kind of teaching is called grammar-translation method which was called old fashioned method among the others. Instead of this, we should be able to make the students take part in the lessons actively by trying to draw a picture or at least visualize it in their mind. The voice that an elephant produces can be listened or the picture of it can be shown.
We can only recall 5% of what we hear, 25% of what we see, 90% of what we do. By taking into account this reality, we can see the importance of role-playing in language teaching. Education is defined as an observable and measurable change in behaviour that is the result of an experience. The experiences can be used only by making use of our potantials and talents and being active in other words by using our right brain. So, this shows how important right brain thinking is. -3231060083-
as we've learned in last week's lesson,left hemisphere is basic for learning language.there speech,writing,calculation,analytic processing,logic...in left hemisphere.if we want to teach foreign language to the students and want the students to learn willingly,we make them to work their right hemisphere.i mean working right hemisphere is funnier for students.for example,in the right hemisphere,there are sounds,recognition and memory of melodies.these coul be very useful for teacher while teaching.
english alphabet is tought with a song.i hope most of us know this song'i can sing my ABC.':)this way is so impressive that i still remember.moreover,it is used lots of videos(maybe humurous or cartoons)picture,casettes.yhe teacher want students to draw their dreams or a good wiew then all things they draw could be given english words.in addition,while teaching a simple sentence line,each person is named subject,object ...etc and they stand ınfront of the board instead of subject+verb+object.students should be active,more role play,more speaking.especially,songs are both fuuny and usefulfor using many times.i think songs are not boring so teacher could use lirix of one songs with the gaps that has one grammer topic.moreover it is used the enviroment trees,flowers,buildings...
finally,of course for learning language,left hemisphere is necessary but if both hemisphere work together,it is more useful for EVERY students.
3231060039 m.u
Generally,we learn language by the help of the left part of brain.However,some people (%10 of people) learn language not only in left brain but also in right brain.Therefore,we must find and use different methods for each child when teacing language.To make left brain effective/bigger:
*We should organize a class where life and language are together.
*We should make our students repeat the words,grammar rules..etc.
*We should use visial when teaching words.
*Brain-storming must be done.
*And we should also wait;because language learning needs time.
to make the left hemisphere dominance while teaching language:
+we can make the students think the english version of the things in the classroom
+we can take a piece of turkish music into the classroom and then make students find the english version of the words in the song
+we can make students write the feelings in the class or so
+brain storming
+give students a text and then make them think abuot it and write or say what they think aout it
actually each sides of our brain is responsible for different things..let s think our brain as a high school we have a dominat rational clever informative teacher in one side his name is mr.Lake(referring to the left hemisphere's dominance),he teaches the things in lesson-time u listen,he lectures,asks some questions but wants logical answers(he doesnt want u to use our imagination) u just sit it s just the teacher moving..u as a student feel bored maybe u learn sth in this way but still it s boring there s something missing in this lesson,right?there comes mrs.Rose(u know she represents the right hemisphere ofcourse also the left is present but right one is now available too)she is a flexible teacher,she teaches using some other things.one day she comes with a tape recorder u listen a song learn some new vocabulary,the other day she wants u to think about ur last semester and picturize it,then prepare a speech about ur favourite animal,and the following day u become an actress or actor playing a fortune teller,she come up with a new idea tomorrow hey guys lets play voleyball outside!what???:)...she seems extraordinary to you and also to director..people think that she is not teaching but just wasting time..instead u learn better,memorize the things that u ve learned in a longer process because u didnt just do the techer says u re a part of lesson,u share the leading role with her ..so,the techer i ve created is trying to work on the both sides of brain.. just using the tecniques of mr.lake u use grammer translation method i guess,but it s old fashioned and not useful..so prefer the method of our pretty mrs.rose..she is the best:)
In the last lesson,we have discussed the structure of brain,which has right and left hemispheres.The right hemisphere is related to the logic while the other is related to the creativity.In this respect,some people are more successful in the fields requiring the creativity,while others tend to be more succeesful in the logical activities.
However,some activities are necessary for us to change the left hemisphere dominant in the school programs.Is this possible and how?I think it's possible to some extent,by means of some methods.But,it is vague that this is useful for all the students since they have different personalities,so different learning methods.As our aim is to change the left hemisphere dominant in the school programs ,we should ponder on how we can achieve this.
Firstly,a classroom should have every opportunity to take student's attention.for instance,it should be equipped with computers for each student since my concept is that it provokes students to exhibit their creativity.This is just a suggestion.
Now,the main interest is the left hemisphere.For this,my methods and activities in a class include the followings:
-brain storm to provoke students to deeplt think
-classifying and categorizing what they have learned
-looking for similarities and differences between two events,objects,etc..
-studying with the charts or graphs
-using inductive learning method
-benefit from the abstract symbols
-putting the events in an order
-focussing on the activities including geometric shapes
-developing a code system for vocabulary learning .
-discussing interesting thought-provoking current incidents.
-forming questions for the answers instead of asking.
-forming a model for an object.
my belief is that all these activities foster students to consider details of things and theybn are already based on the logic.Moreover,success is more aimed by means of these activities or methods.
Both two hemispheres are proved to have different acts. As left hemisphere provides logical, rational, objective and analytical, the right one focuses on intuitive, random and subjective knowledge, we can say that it is the artistic side of the brain.
As we look to the programs of schools, we see that more importance is given to maths, logic etc. This is parallel to the mentality of people, who think art, music, and literature etc. has no use in human’s personality, that they do not provide “any future”. It is also thought that, men who are interested in these are “sick” or “nuts”.
To be able to change the left hemisphere dominant school programs, firstly, the importance of the artistic knowledge should be explained to people. Yet, I think that no student should ever be forced to join these right-side activities because there is also one point that should not be forgotten: the capability. Everyone on earth cannot create a masterpiece (or even draw a picture) as everyone cannot be very good at calculating, maths. By forcing the students, a hate is formed for these activities. Instead of these, for example, a classical music can be played as students solve problems during a maths lesson.
In teaching language, instead of explaining theories or strict rules, tales can be created. Maybe by personification of its elements, English grammar can be presented (or asked to be presented by students) as a theatre. Then movies can be shown and an analysis of replicas can be made. Also, for example, if the subject is numbers in English, teacher can ask his/her students to draw the numbers in the way that they have in their mind. An originality and pleasure will soon be remarked, as there is no insistence on own methods. This creativity will ensure the assimilation of the information given.
(ÇAP Fr. Öğr.)
in our schools,using the left side is important,that's why can'T we imagine any thing.when we are reading a book or solving a problemour left side works,but,if our subject is learning english,i want to mention about NPL program(neuro linguistic english program).in communication,the place of the subconscious is extremely huge.look;
%55-body language=subconscious
as you see,turning the language into communication,we use our subconscious %93
so this program makes us use the both hemisphere of our mind.we know that when we are learning a language we use the left,but if we can combine it with the right(imagine,dream,listen..),it can be extremely effective one.
if when we try to teach''apple'' to our student,we musn'T make them recipe it,we should convince them to smeel the apple,recalling a memory with it,remembering their mum maybe etc.unrealizingly.(34)
in the reading classrooms,both the left and the right hemisphere are used in different activities.firstly,to explain the topics of the lesson,the teacher should decide which materials to use.in general,most of the teachers give importance in thinking of words,non-verbal concepts,ideas and gramatical rules which stimulate the left hemisphere of the brain.on the other hand,the style that the teacher use,the visual and auditiory materials can change the dominance of left hemisphere.because,the right hemisphere is responsible for creativity,intution,sentiments and for the subconscions.listening to music,some materials such as radio series,symbols and colors adress to five sense of the students
hatice ercan
Today in our language classes we see the education is upon memorising.Teacher writes down what to be learnt and the students memorize it.This is why today most of the english learners know how to write and all of the grammatical rules,but when they come across a situation which they are supposed to speak,they freeze.Because of the lackness of creativity teaching in schools,students can tell how to speak gramatically but they don't have thia ability.now how can we change this situation?what can we do for our students not only know grammar but also speak fluently.we can use direct method for example.besides having disadvantages such as time losing,causing misunderstandings,it is a very appropriate way to teach them speaking.listening and speaking activities in class are very helpful.we must let the students speak in most of the time.they must feel comfortable about speaking in front of everybody.this is upon your bahaviours in the class.you must make it clear that noone will be humiliated if they make some mistakes.even if they knew just saynig what their answers are,this would be helpful.because they can improve their speaking skills only by speking and speaking.
left hemısphere of the braın ıs related wıth creatıvıty so to use ıt ın classroom we should fınd actıvıtıes to ımprove creatıvıty and left part ıs also related wıth language so speakıng ıs very ımportant durıng actıvıtıes forexample we can gıve a text and want them to read ıt and talk about ıt explaın theır ıdeas ,listenıng ıs also ımportant we can make them lısten songs ın englısh,we shouldnt use memorısıng ınstead of ıt we should use ınductıve methods we can gıve examples and want them to thınk about them and fınd the rule these are some ways for the domınance of the left hemısphere of the braın ın class
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left hemısphere of the braın ıs related wıth creatıvıty so to use ıt ın classroom we should fınd actıvıtıes to ımprove creatıvıty and left part ıs also related wıth language so speakıng ıs very ımportant durıng actıvıtıes forexample we can gıve a text and want them to read ıt and talk about ıt explaın theır ıdeas ,listenıng ıs also ımportant we can make them lısten songs ın englısh,we shouldnt use memorısıng ınstead of ıt we should use ınductıve methods we can gıve examples and want them to thınk about them and fınd the rule these are some ways for the domınance of the left hemısphere of the braın ın class3231060024
as we mentioned in the last lesson brain has two hemispheres. one is right , the other is left hemisiphere. both of the hemispheres have different functions. right hemisphere is functioned in locig, on the other left hemisphere is functioned in creativity.it is tought that dominance of left hemisphere should be further on students. so, ı made some research about this and gained some information.those can be followed like this:
1- in schools teachers must be benefit fom abstract symbols. because this can develop thinking of students.2-it is necessary that to let students make brainstorming.3-if it is possiple teachers should teach students inductively.4-teachers must students make answer question instead of them.
our brain is made of two hemispheres,right and left.while learning language,the left side is the main body and the right side its hands and feet.what does this mean?this is,the left side is the system that codes the language and makes us speak,but the rıght side is the hemisphere which makes us learn another language or improve our language.because in right side of the brain there are spatial ability,music and art parts.so this means,by listening foreign music,we can record its ritms into our brain thanks to this part,moreover while enjoying we can record verses and words of the songs into our brain.So we can put a more improved language into our main language which is in our left side of the brain.So if we look from this point of view,we can say that in foreign language classrooms,the right hemispheres of the brain should be improwed.because a foreign language is thought by lıstenıng music,taking part in some roles,in short,by enjoyıng ourselves.because as the main language is in the left sıde of the brain,whıle using the right side,another language can be recorded easıly.Apart from these,by using and improving the right side in foreign language classrooms is important.as,students will not forget the language,words,or sentences which are taught with music,roles,jokes or enjoyment.As a rsult,in my opinion,the right side of the brain should be used in learning and teaching foreign language for better and more lasting results.3231060009
to change the left hemisphere dominant school program,firstly the teacher must be different from the classic ones.to learn english
there are skill lesson.teacher can use theatre,song,picture.in the theatre student can improve both his pronunciation and his self confidence.at the same time he will hawe some ideas about the theatre.but in for example maths l dont beliewe that it is possible.because maths is a logical lesson and we can not improve it with other things.the important thing is in it is to use our logic much more.a person shouldnt use only his logicl skills.he shoul force himself to do other things which are closer the life.to change the left hemisphere dominant school program teacher can use dominnat program again.because the students are used to thinking about the logic side of the lesson and changing that is very hard for them.for this reason teacher can force their student to play theatre, to go cinema, to song for example english.this intent is not bad.yes,it is forcing method but soon the student will be more interested in these activities.our reading book to blind people is a good example for this method.
there many views about left brain and ı wıll poınt some of them.as we dıscussed in our last lesson that two dıfferent sıdes,or hemıspheres of the braın are responsıble for dıfferent manners of thınkıng.ın general,schools tend to favour left braın modes of thınkıng,whıle downplayıng the rıght braın ones. Left-brain scholastic subjects focus on logical thinking, analysis, and accuracy.When you process on the left side, you use information piece by piece to solve a math problem or work out a science experiment.also ın writing, it is the left brain that pays attention to mechanics such as spelling, agreement, and punctuation.we could wrıte some other dıfferent factors about left braın but ı saw generally all my ferıends have wrıtten the same cognızance.(me also)
our brain is divided into two hemispheres and each one has got different acts.for example while we are using our language we use our left hemisphere of our brain because the left side is the language side of our brain and responsible for verbal actions.as we discussed in the class left hemisphere related to logic,math language... then the right side is responsible for fantasy,creativity,art music etc.so for example when we are looking to a picture and start to explain our thoughts about it we are to use our left and right hemispheres at the same time.
so when we start to teach second language to our students we have to create new methods to develop their skills in using language by using their both hemispheres simultaneously.for strengthening students' less dominate hemisphere of the brain;
*edutainment activities: word association; teacher say school then the students can think about things related to school.maybe students can draw the picture on the board at the same time too.
*give the students song sheet and some of the words must be omitted by the teacher then song is played and students complete the missing words by listening the song carefully
*ask them to act the verbs while learning new verbs in the class
*use visual meterials in class such as pictures or ask them to draw pictures which are related to the subject
*make them speak much in the class about the subject
*ask them to create a new story by using grammer,new and different vocabs and at the same time ask them to act their stories in the classrom
*to develop their hearing skills teacher can bring a tape etc. to the class by using music as ı experienced before students can keep alphabeth on their mind :)
or ask them to compose new songs by using their second language.
*games also can be effective in learning second language because while they have fun they will become willing to learn.
In language learning we use more the left hemisphere, the two hemisphere have different acts.In order to improve each hemisphere we should take into account cognitive and affective functions of both hemispheres. for the left hemisphere of brain action,we must use lots of visual things and individual activities while giving the subjects in class.Also audible stuff for our subjects would help us to improve and activate the left hemisphere of brain.
our brain has two different working hemispheres.while we are learning a language our left hemisphere works. and so in schools there are left hemisphere dominant programs. but it leads to undevelopment of the right side. we can make it work by making some activities.
*we can give abstract pictures to children an we want them to describe.
*we may ask them to write poets with new words they heard.
*we can make them write compositions about a abstract topic...etc.
to make work both hemispheres all cognitive and oral activities should be made spontaneously. because its too difficult to work them together. by doing these activities both sides can develop.
The human being has two brains, which allow us seeing two or more aspects of our surroundings. The right hemisphere serves to the non-verbal, spatial and emotional in the surroundings, while the left hemisphere serves to the verbal, detailed and the rational informations in the surroundings.
Learning and memorizing are oftenly divided into two categories, some call it explicit and implicit. Explicit is chiefly the left, and implicit the right hemisphere. Explicit learning is after a plan, you say 'İ am gonna learn this and this' and you sit down at learn it. İmplicit happens without doing much, it's more a natural way of learning.
İn teaching it is important to integrate the left and right hemisphere to obtain the best result. İnstead of try to teach in a trivial and 'left focused' way, it is definetely most wisely to let the students use their creativity. Teachers have to involve music, video, pictures and more coloured materials in their teaching-program. İt will make the teaching more interesting, attractive, memorable and this right-left intergration will let the students learn more easily...
as we learn in the class and read about it,our brain has two hemisphre.one of them is called left hemisphre,other is called right hemisphre.both of these sides have different functions.Naturally,the things to improve these sides are different from each other.when we begin to teach language as a teacher ,we should be careful about using different creative methods.with the help of these methods students develop their language by using the both sides of their brain.
#we can use visuals.
#we can use materials adress to sensorial organs.the more students use their sense organs together ,the more easily they can learn.for example a movie releated with the lesson topic...after watching the film we can want them to criticize about it
#in the lesson we can want our students to write their feelings in english.thus they can learn thinkng in english
#songs can be funny and useful way for us . we can bring songs to the lesson and create some activities about it
#we shouldnt correct their mistakes while speaking.because they must use the language as much as possible...
#some creativ games can be a good way for us
#wanting students to prepare a advertisement by using their creativity can be way for us
#we can want them to act a play in the lesson .it's a useful and funnn way
when we look at the structure of the braın,language learning is placed on the left side of it and unfortunately for this reason our teachers think that language learning is supported only with the left side activities.In Turkey or wherever in the world,the teachers try to teach the foreign language with an ordinary formula(subject+verb+obj.)tis reflects the restricted logic not multiple choices about the learning styles of a language.most theachers choose deductive teaching,firstly they give the formulathen give examples.But the most effective one is the inductive learning,by reaching the formula on your own.to do this different activities should be done,students should be turn towards to the right brain activities.teachers should create new things and do this with his/her students so the students can be more creative.more thinking and also more capable.To make the right side of the brain study,we can give importance to imagination,to music(voices and ritms),to colors,to dimension and artistic attitudes,dance for example.also when we look at the surveys,the right brain learn as a whole so it's so effective and speed.especiaaly in teaching foreign language,the right side is ey importnat because language is communication,language is speaking.How can we teach a foreign language without speaking only with formula?ıt's so absurd.If we look at some of the right brain activities we encounter quite fuuny and beneficial things.for example we can use our cross hand while eating meal,picking our pen or combing our hair.then we also go shopping and behave like a child,ı mean we can touch,smell and examine everything.we can also take a text and a colourful pen.we can find and sign the double vowels and consonants.we can derivate words or place names from license plates.then we can write the synonyms of the words for example while writing'far'we can use'not close'.Alsowe we sholud advice them to solve puzzles not only ın their L1,but also in the foreing language as a habit.Apart from these,teachers can benefit from music,dance,history,stories especially speaking and dialogues in the class.we can also make pictures and symbols to teach the language.we shouldn't forget that exams like OKS,OSS,YDS are dependent to the left side activities and so in Turkey we are more interested in them.But the time that we should say'stop'came.We should change this visionso that we can be more creative and more intelligent...
there are two hemispheres,one is left hemisphere for analizing,learning a language,dialectic and right one is for imagination,music,color,volume,etc..As we see we use the left hemisphere to learn a language but we should also use other hemisphere to learn more effectively..for example when we read a book both hemispheres work,left one reads and makes analytics,right one imagines and figures..or while we try to learn a word by drawing its picture,we make both hemispheres work..the most popular activity which our teachers do while we start to learn english is to teach the alphabet by singing,this is also a good way of teaching a foreign language.. 73
As Burns,Marta stated in her article “…brain cells are depended on other brain cells to function.”This a quite significant fact which is mostly ignored while education programs and sylabuses are prepared.Both in Turkey and in most of other countries, the roles of the the left side of our brain including Maths, Logic, Science …are higly given importance in our society.In contrast the products of the other side: music,sports,imagination and creativity which are mostly based on emotions are neglected.But it is true that this kind of systems used in education are not enough especialy language teaching is considered.As, altough the different hemispheres have different roles they somehow depend on each other while functioning.For example ; it is a fact that languge is stored on the left side and function there.But researches on people who have a damage on the rigt side show that while they do not lose their ability to speak and understand the language, they have diffuculty when they are asked to talk about their emotions.And their speech is reported to lack complex sentences that requires creativity and imagination.
Therefore the courses always making use of the activities referring to he left side should be balanced with the ones belonging to the right side.So teacher should enrich their courses with so many activities such as audials, visuals or smt related to drawing abilities.This allows both hemispheres work together and makes students become active while learning.
While teaching something, asking the students to write a story on the topic or draw a picture of it enables students to make use of both parts of their brains at the same time.For instance;when they are asked to write a story on what is taught in that lesson they will use their crativity and imagination to think about the story,the place and the characters, meanwhile they will need the information presented in the course as writing requires information. Making them drawing a picture of what they understand is another effective way in decreasing the dominant usage of left brain.This would give chance to their brain to transfer the information on the left side to the other.
Lots of such activities like listenning practices,plays, telling jokes,showing pictures,making the students act smt. related to what they learned can be practised in classroom to abolish the
accustomed system.
We know that each hemisphere is responsible for different functions.In most societies,there are left hemisphere dominant school programs which are related to maths,language,logic,etc.This must be changed because it weakens right hemisphere and makes people forget easily,too.To prevent these events,students and teachers can do some activities.The main principle must be understood well:Both hemispheres should work simultaneously.In order to do this,teachers should do such activities that include two or three various actions.For example,while a math teacher is explaining fractional numbers,the teacher can use an apple or a chocolate.To explain 1/4,a bar of chocolate can be cut four equal pieces.In addition to this,teacher can make students suppose a field which has been left to their sisters,brothers as an inheritance.They must share it,so that is the question 'how can that field be divided?'When students try to do this,they will use mathematical knowledge and they imagine that situation simultaneously.What's more, they will utilize their creativity.Consequently, students effect both hemisphere to work.Similar activities can be done in foreign language classes ,as well.For instance, to teach months in English, a special board can be used.On board, there are the names of months and each name has a button.When student pushes them in the correct order, a very well-known melody is heard.Or to teach reported speech,teacher can make students suppose a group of creatures who have hierarchy in the group.These can be human, animal, etc.The lowest one wishes to tell something to the highest one.But how can it be done? In this example, a picture about it can be used, as well.If teacher gives a homework which includes projects like these, due to students' producing, students learn better.Furthermore, students can write new vocabulary with their left hands.With these exercises, students must think (fantasy), find some new items (creativity), see the episodes visually and try to use their left hands.As a result, this kind of projects get students use two hemispheres simultaneously.Teachers and Ministry should try to solve the problem of left hemisphere dominant school programs.
as we learned in the last lesson,our brain consists of two hemispheres:the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere.when we think of our education system and the techniques that most of the teachers use in the clasrooms we see that almost all activities are related with the fuctions of the left brain.for instance,grammatical rules,thoughts,images and ability to think of verbs.however,creativity,sentiments and intution are all related with the right brain.so how we can change the dominance of the left brain depends on using different activities in the classrooms such as listening to music,brain storminng,visuals,projection devices etc..ı support the idea that two hemispheres of the brain should be sitimulated simultaneously.
As ıt ıs known speakıng part of brain ıs left hemisphere or Broca`s area. Because speakıng is a must ın our lıfes,Broca`s area` dominance can`t be prevented. At school,we also use our braıns`left part. But we can decrease ıt by usıng thıngs. For example we may use our ears while learning sth. We may learn vıa lıstenıng. Teachers may give songs to chıldren. So lessons become enjoyable. Also, they may give importance to problem solving. Maths can have much importance.furthermore teachers may use vısual thıngs. They can brıng pictures or such kınd of thigs. Teachers may use some techniqes in which both hemisphere of brain works such as readıng. But the most effective way is not speakıng...If your students doesn`t speak you can reach your goal. But who can take pleasure from a world where nobody talks??..
I think classroom activities have an important role to change the dominance of left hemisphere.that means teacher sould be creative enough to prepare such activities of course in the light of knowledge of functions of each hemisphere.one of them maybe making the students participate in some games which require using both sides for example if we carry out in the language teaching class it can be useful.first of all,the board is seperated in two halves so that two students use it easily at the same time.their duties are to make their own sentences which include at least 5 words with their left hand(if they're right-handed)but one of the words is determined by the other class at that time.the quickest one with beauiful handwriting and meaningfull sentence is the winner.at the end of the activity student both thinks his own sentence with a certain word and writes with his opposite hand.morever you can want them read his sentence with a tempo like a song.this increases his creavity positively.
again a teacher can want his students to draw a picture of a feeling in certain situation.for example teacher says:it's raining and you are outside without an umbrella.or teacher can just make students write a poem giving a subject:).all in all,such activites in the classroom can activate both sides of brain simultaneously
As we know our brain have two different part and each of them have different duties.As we learnt in our lesson.Left hemisphere is mathematical,logical,realistic.It likes numbers,controls the usage of the language and right side of our body.In constract right hemisphere includes imagination,creativity,art,decision making,memory and also the right side has role to control the left side of our body.
The biggest commanders of the world are owe their big succeses to their decisions that made by right side by using their imagination and creativity and then they transfer it to the left side of their brain this enables to their victories.
As teachers we should do some activities to make our student's brain parts function together.
-make students think about something and make them realise how is their thinking style,how they think?..
-to improve their mental delectation read some useful thoughts,it can be proverbs ...
-create different thinking style.
-bring a movie about the topic that you going to teach.
-showing pictures,photos related to the topic of the course is effective in making student use both sides of their brain and they learn better according to this
Language acquisition is not an easy process,especially for non-native speakers like us.In our education system,the old methods,which are not so useful,are used.To have a more effective atmosphere in language learning,there can be used some alternative activities that make brain's left hemisphere work better.acquisition process happens in left side of the brain,so giving duties related to left side features will help students or learners in acquisition process.
-giving roles in dialogue-oriented,short plays
-ask them to write their own play(considering their ages and levels)
-showing visual stuff (movies,cartoons,or short films etc.)we can want them to summarize the plot,or to give clues about character,what is higlighted or not,etc.
the goal of all these activities is to make students or learners to use their left hemispehere in a useful way while they are trying to learn second language.
there are different functional areas in brain.The left and the right sides of it have different functions.The right hemisphere is primarily involved in music,art,creativitity and spatial.On the other hand the left side specialized in language,maths and logic.Our language skill is mined mostly in the left side.But learning a language requires both left and right sides.As the right hemisphere is responsible for creativity,music,art and fantacy,it can be used in teaching a language.For example we can ask students to write a dialog in which the new grammar rules are used and then students can show these dialogs as a drama.We can benefit from creativity and drama skills of right hemisphere in this way.In primary schools,some songs with music or without music can be used and students can learn the vocabulary in them.Altough the right hemisphere skills have less importance in society,this skills help the left hemisphere do its job more easily and in a relaxing way as there is fantacy and dreaming. 3231060017
In language acquisition, left side of the brain plays the most important role:
*Language(and lexis) is stored in it.
*In about 98percent of right handers, the left hemisphere accomplishes most language processing functions.
In spite of the fact that we are thaught English since our primary school years, and we are on the way of becoming English teachers soon, we still can't address tourists properly. So, what's the problem? We have the materials..
* a number of left hemisphered students,
* a teacher of left hemispher
* a syllabus of left hemispher
* a left hemisphered English!..
For years, in teaching, the left side was used but it is a must to use both when necessary.
What can we do with right side:
*fantasy, creativity, art, music, spatial..
Using different materials like pictures, videos, real objects, sounds, plays, etc.. all make the right side work coordinated with left and learning becomes better and faster. It is a must to have language classes equipped with media technologies.
As we learned ,human brain is composed of two parts right and left hemisphere.Abilities related to language like speech,writing,reading,calculation are on the left side, other skills such as crativity,art,music are on the right side of the brain.We mostly use the left side because our primary communication skills are in the left,the more we use it the more it develops.Why do we use the left side mostly?The answer is simple:to earn money and live beter because many of the skills bringing money is in the left side.And basic skills needed for learning are in that part,too.So,school programs are mostly composed of techniques in accordance with the dominance of the left hemisphere.But this must be changed since every student has different kinds of abilities some are good at math,some are good at music and some in art.These skills are located in different parts of brain.So school programs and curriculum must be planned acaording to these,especially in teaching foreign language.Right side of the brain may be used more actively since left side is full of rules of mother language and in the left side all communıcation types are developed as the codes of mother tongue the students may have difficulty and native language interference.Lessons and subjects can be demonstrated wiht pictures,goods and objects that trigger the right side.It may be a music that makes the students think about it. Using more abstract metarials,drawing a picture,watching a video and then associating it with the related subjects may be a way of improving and learning with right side.
As we learned ,human brain is composed of two parts right and left hemisphere.Abilities related to language like speech,writing,reading,calculation are on the left side, other skills such as crativity,art,music are on the right side of the brain.We mostly use the left side because our primary communication skills are in the left,the more we use it the more it develops.Why do we use the left side mostly?The answer is simple:to earn money and live beter because many of the skills bringing money is in the left side.And basic skills needed for learning are in that part,too.So,school programs are mostly composed of techniques in accordance with the dominance of the left hemisphere.But this must be changed since every student has different kinds of abilities some are good at math,some are good at music and some in art.These skills are located in different parts of brain.So school programs and curriculum must be planned acaording to these,especially in teaching foreign language.Right side of the brain may be used more actively since left side is full of rules of mother language and in the left side all communıcation types are developed as the codes of mother tongue the students may have difficulty and native language interference.Lessons and subjects can be demonstrated wiht pictures,goods and objects that trigger the right side.It may be a music that makes the students think about it. Using more abstract metarials,drawing a picture,watching a video and then associating it with the related subjects may be a way of improving and learning with right side.
Due to lateralization processes are devided by the hemishperes.The left side´s function is used for maths, language and logic. The right side´s function on the other hand is used for fantasy, creativity, art, music, spatial and emotions.Since a fully functioning person is a cognitive, physical and emotional being both hemispheres have to be used while language teaching to make it as effective as possible.Furthermore, the 4senses: touch, hear,smell and taste have to be taken into consideration to contribute to a better process of learning.
-a person draws a picture of the story that is told by another student on the board
-students are asked to create a funny story out of new vocabulary
-when reading a text let music play according to the text´s context ex.summer-Caribbean,tropical,light music
-if new words are taught if possible bring the concrete objects into class and let them touch, taste or smell it
-when new lexical field is covered let students take photographs of them on their own and collect them on board
-after reading a text let students take a photograph with one position or situation which covers, or summarizes the main point in the best way
-after explaining new grammatical structures let them create a short theater in which the dialogues have to mostly contain these structures, materials can be supplied by the teacher (wigs etc.)
-let them write a poem =) for a certain topic
-as well as a creation of a song for a certain topic, when reading it, could play a chosen and suitable melody
-after introducing words let them tell you what they associated them with ex. hot=fire
-let them write about a topic that is in connection with certain emotions, ex. desribe the best/worst...etc.
-or give them certain situations and let them tell you how you would feel, ex.your purse was stolen...
people use two hemisphere of the brain.especially people who is like us (a teacher of language ,a student etc..)use their left hemisphere.when we think about the dominant school program students cant use much their right hemisphere.because all of the sk�lls are emphasized on memorizing.for that reason teacher must be careful about that.if they use pictures,sounds,videos or whatelse..it must be useful for the right one.teacher should be knowledgable about this topic..
in the classroom we talked about different learnings to our left and right hemispheres.the left hemisphere includes maths ,language,logic... and the right hemisphere includes fantasy,creativity,art,music,spatial...in our country people prefer using of the left hemisphere. because they think about money. if you have knowledge of maths,language or logic you can earn money easily.arts music creativity isn't important for them.but during teaching a foreign language lesson teachers always want to use students' creativity. teaching the lesson with playing a music or watching videos may be enjoyable for students and they learn easily.they will prefer music to memorizing all the things.so teachers can use these methods to make their lesson funnier.
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as wee discussed in our lesson,in language teaching left hemisphere is dominant.this part includes lezical and syntactic laanguage.so while teaching,we give more importance to lexical and syntactic knowledge.because students are wanted to memorize more words and repeat them.
but in teaching,both sides of the brain must be used.right hemisphere includes creativity,art,music,non-verbal things,etc..so this sde can be used in different types.for example;
-while teaching to students words,after it is repeated,it's picture can be shown on board or in computer.it'pronounciation can be given from cassette player.
-teaching can be in different places to use creativity
-when giving homework,students can directed to search and use their creativity.for example;after reading a story we can want them to picturize it.
-we can show them a picture and want them to write their feelings about it.
-after reading a story we can want students to act what happened in the story by themselves.
-a music can be given to the place while teaching.
-in memorizing words,if words are said in a melodic way,it is easy to remember.words are said like a song.because right hemisphere of brain includes memory of melodies.so if we use this method,both sides of the brain work.alfhabet can be learned like this as we learn.
-a topic can be given and want students to make brain-storming to direct them to think deeply.
-we can use visuals or different things to do things which have learn remembered easily.
-we can use abstract things and want students write a paragraph about what they understand
While left hemisphere of our brain is more good at maths,language,logic and it makes use of right hand,the right hemisphere of our barin is good at creativity,fantasy,art music and it makes use of left hand.In Turkey we see high percentage of people use their right hands so the left hemisphere of their brain works much.Moreover,if there is a child using his/her left hand,all the people around him try to change his using of left hand.This is really unmeaningful because there are different activities changing according to the hemispheres.As there are a lot of people using right hand,school programs are organized according to them.For example;they give more importance to maths or language lessons but they don't give any importance to art or music lessons.As this is the case a lot of talented people are lost because of using wrong programmes.In my opinion,pre-school children must be observed if they are using their right or left hands and then during that time they should be given different activities that work left or right hemisphere.That must be because there can be some different things.Psychologists say that somebody can use his/her right hand but can be very good at art,music so first there must be a process that finds who are in talented in what so when they start to go to primary school, they should be seperated into categories according to their abilities in their classes.In foreign language lessons,in vocabulary exercises both of the hemispheres can be used while learning new words by trying to create a story for each word or creating a new story by using new words so it will make two hemispheres work.Thanks to this exercise students will never forget the meaning of the words.Furthermore,singing songs in foreign language will be helpful and maybe drawing picture of the story they read in class can be a significant activity that work two hemispheres.
In foreign language classrooms, foreign language is taught by reading, writing, listening and speaking.These are about the left hemisphere dominant.Curriculum reinforces the left hemisphere.Generally the society supports dominance of left hemisphere. e.g. the families are proud of their children who became a doctor, engineer... but they are less proud of their children who became a musician, painter...
The left lobe of brain includes language (reading,speaking, listening, writing,repeating, naming, understanding, calculating),hand skills.
On the other hand ,the right lobe of brain includes fantasy, creativity ,art, music and spatial.
We can do some different activities in the classroom to reinforce students' right hemisphere dominance.e.g;
we can read an english text and want students to draw a picture what they understand or we can show a picture and want students to write a paragraph what they see.
we can teach an english song to improve students' music skills and language skills which will be more enjoyable and permanent.
Not only in Turkey,but also in almost anywhere else teaching and learning is based on left side of brain.However ıt is not the only choice.Both side of brain can be used in teaching and learning.Then what can we do?We can tell them a story then make them finish it with painting.We can give them some inforation and then want them to compose easy,simple something.We can ad music to lessons and make relation between them.We can use audial and visual things.Seperate them to pair and make one student to tell something and want the other picturise what the pair says.
we do know that the left side of the brain is the seat of language and processes in a logical and sequential order. The right side is more visual and processes intuitively, holistically, and randomly. Most people seem to have a dominant side. A key word is that our dominance is a preference, not an absolute. When learning is new, difficult, or stressful we PREFER to learn in a certain way. It seems that our brain goes on autopilot to the preferred side. And while nothing is entirely isolated on one side of the brain or the other, the characteristics commonly attributed to each side of the brain serve as an appropriate guide for ways of learning things more efficiently and ways of reinforcing learning. Just as it was more important for our purposes to determine that memory is stored in many parts of the brain rather than learn the exact lobe for each part, likewise it is not so much that we are biologically right brain or left brain dominant, but that we are more comfortable with the learning strategies characteristics of one over the other. What you are doing is lengthening your list of strategies for learning how to learn and trying to determine what works best for you. You can and must use and develop both sides of the brain. But because the seat of our preferences probably has more neural connections, learning may occur faster.The left side of the brain processes information in a linear manner. It process from part to whole. It takes pieces, lines them up, and arranges them in a logical order; then it draws conclusions. The right brain, however, processes from whole to part, holistically. It starts with the answer. It sees the big picture first, not the details.So songs and videos can be watched firstly and then students create a context according to these visual and audial items.
As we learned that the human brain is a paired organ; it is composed of two halves that are left and right hemispheres. They make different roles of the two sides of the brain, that the left hemisphere is the Language, Math, Logic side of the brain and the right hemisphere is the fantasy, creativity, art and music and spatial side.
As a future english teaching we should teach the language as an impressive, permenent and interesting way to the students. More reading and writing is mundane, especially to the children.İf the goal of the teaching method is to mke the lesson more enjoyable and interesting, we try to support to use right hemispheres. One way of the making enjoyable lesson is drawing attention to the lesson by using different materials like colrful pictures, playing plays, dramas, watching videos, listening songs, conversations, tales.
İf a teacher wants to write a paragraph about ' Natural Disasters' from students, it will be more useful and effective tahat to be watching a video about environment or to be making brainstorming about the topic.
In the first place,English teachers should use more visuals & audios & poems,
for they all have the sound of English Lang.
That is,they can be used for Prosodic Aspects of English.
(maybe for rudimentary speechs well. ??)
In the second place,vocabulary teaching must be much more concrete,not so abstract.Students can see,touch,feel,smell the objects about vocabulary.
And this method can be a good way of using Spatial Abilities.
To conclude,learning English will be much more easier if both of the hemispheres are used.
And some resaarches will be required for the methods should be used teaching English.
As in every function of human being learning ang gaining language is controlled by our brain.Our brain has two hemispheres and as we know each has different functions.While our left hemisphere functions in maths,logic,language and right hand,our right hemisphere functions in creativity,fantasy,art and music and left hand.
Until a near future in school programmes foreign language was given in a left hemisphere dominant way.They taught grammer rules,and wanted students to memorize them.They neither gave realia nor did any listening exercises.Students did not know how to pronounce the words and how to communicate.
With the help of some researchs,the importance of listening and reading activities and also seeing the grammer rules in contexts are realised.
Consequently,a better conseption of language will provide by integrated skills training as scientific learning corporation claimed.Doing listening and reading exercises, phonological awareness and grammer rules can be given simultaneously.Moreover,with the help of right hemisphere,language can be taught by using a related song or demanding from students to write a story using some grammer structures this will make learning both more enjoyable and easy.
as we learned in the lesson both sides of brain has different functions;left is responsible for maths,language,logic and verbal structures and calculations and right is fantasy,creativity,harmony art and music.our education system is based on almost just on left side so we have to recite everything;no logic we have to just memorise.but it is revealed that this method is no use.of coourse language is learned by the left side but a course of language without creativity,fantasic activities is unproductive.as canditiates of english teachers-a foreign laguage-we must follow some rules helping us to combine these two sides they are,for instance;
.using videos including some dialoges
.making students to fill in the blanks from a song
.giving them dialogues to fill
.using situations from real life
using puzzles
.asking them to write poems and short stories
One side dominance of a mammal's brain might not mean a lot but when it comes to human brain terms,this fact decides even on a human's future.
Basically,dominance of a single lobe basically effects a human's characteristics.If a person is left lobe dominanced,he or she must be successful in numeral skills,reading,wrting,reasoning,speaking and scientific skills.Generally he or she is good at language skills for his/her comprehension of a speech or a text is powerful.
But if someone is mainly dominant of rigth lobe,he or she is generally a good observer which results in good imagination skills and artistic creativity.In general,when world's greatest artists and musicians are considered,it is found out that their right lobe is superior to their left lobe.Even sometimes that can result in their lack of sociality and communication,making a good speech for they are recessive in language and comprehension skills.
When it comes to classroom conditions,generally many of the public school students,ignoring exceptions,are dominant in left lobe.That is also somehow a preference in general conditions of the world; dealing with numerals,making expressive speeches and finding cures for the diseases with the help of scientific skills.However,when we have a look at the history,we easily find out that even though it is usually despised and looked down on,those are the results of art and critical thinking that make the historical events.
but as a language teacher,our first intention has to be developing the skills releated to the left lobe.This is possible by creating conversation classes and reading cmprehension studies with the help of writing skills too but however we should also develop the visual skills that are releated to right lobe in order to make the learning permanent.For that process,we can company the written course topics with some videos for audio-visuality,with some pictures for visuality and with tapes for audiality.Having both hemisphere active at a time makes human use more part of his brain which results in complete learning.
to sum up,What I mean is that,in order to develop the left hemisphere of the brain of a child,as a teacher we must help them with some methods that appeal to both hemispheres of their brain.
Left or right side
In the last lesson,we have talked about the both hemispheres of the brain and their feautures.For the left hemisphere;logic,language,analyses, and maths are dominant feautures.On the other hand,for the right hemisphere of the brain,the dominant feautures are fantasy,creativity,coulor,form and rythym.In Turkey,system of education bases on using left part of brain , we always learn by heart with it(left side) so ,the duration and permenance of information in the mind is short I think and because of this system,the children (students) lose their creativeness and fantasy.For learning language ,all of them are the same.We use our left hemisphere for it and I think the result is the same.We always say that “language is ungrateful”.why do we say it?because we learn by heart.I think ,if we use both sides of brains,the foreign language will be more permanent in the mind.I want to give an example from my department:last year ,every week,we presented one subjet in the lesson.At the beginning,we got bored because, each of the students only read their text but then ,my friend and I played theatre and used some pictures and slides for explain the subjet,the atmospher of the class changed and during the lesson,they imaginated and transformed their imaginations to information so, this year when the prof talked about our subjet,everybody remembered them and their details.
In addition to them,reading book is benefical for using the both sides of brain at the same time.Thanks to it,firstly we comprehend with left side and then imagine and describe with right side.Shortly ,if we use more visual things as I mentioned above,they can able to learn language more easly .It may take a lot of time but it is beter.
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right side of our brains functions:uses feelings-imagination rules symbols and images-present and future-philosophy and religion-tend to get meaning-perceptions-knows objects functions-based on possibilities-risk taking As we know right side is about human s art life and despite left sides dominance in education right is basic for our life dimensions so in order to make it much more useful: we should know arts importance in language teaching we should use some materials such as music and paintigs we should use abstract teaching methods we should give some materials about imagination,creativity and feelings we should be flexible about orders and facts but not about teaching to sum up we have to know importance of right brain and show its benefits 3231060026
A NEW LANGUGE CAN BE LEARNED WITH IMAGINATIONS ı thınk.because one learn by hıs own style and by thıs way rememberıng the vocabularıes or rules can be more easy.by dreamıng one uses hıs or her left hemısphere so we can understnd that usıng left hemisphere is more effectıve when learnınıg or yeachıng a language because it will be our way not others.takıng everythıng from teacher isn't permanent learnıng it only helps to student in exams and then they will disappear.ıf we thınk ın thıs way we should teach our students by makıng them use their ımagınatıon power and make new styles mew ıdeas about languge.we should want storıes about a subject or a context from them it will be more permanent.
In the last lesson we learned and discussed about the structure of brain.It has got two hemispheres.Rigt and left hemisphere. Rigt hemisphere is about creativity while the other is about logical areas.Everybody has different skills.In the school programs, we are always related with left brain, because of its function.Left brain is related with maths, language, logic .However, we can change this situation.There are some solutions to solve the dominant of left brain ğin the language school programs.Everything should be ok in terms of learners and outside effects.such as classroom or equipments to use the students. Besides that we can do brain storming to think widely.Doing pair works, group works and using enjoyable learning techniques. In my opinion, these activities give us useful results. Students think in detail , so the success is getting increase. EDA AKKAYA 3231060085
As we have learned in the lesson,our breain has two sides each of which has different functions.The two sides are called left and right hemisphers and the first one is responsible for the functions as maths,rational thinking and language.When we look at the school programs in most of the schools today, ıt is possible to see that there is a tendency towards programs which have left hemispher dominant ones.For exammple in most of the schools maths is given more importance than the other ones like lessons related to art.Therefore we can focuse on right side activities while teaching english.In this way we can develop not only their left side but also the rigt side.For instance while teaching a subject we should benefit from visual objects like posters or handouts.In fact ıt will also be helpful to make the children prepare the objects themselves.As we know right is also responsible for the functions related to music.Therefore it is also posible to use it in teaching.While teaching vocabulary we can make up a song which include the words we have taught an then have the students learn the song.This may also help the student develop rigt side abilities.Just focusing on the left side abilities is the wrong thing to do because all the learners dont have the abilities in the areas related to left hemisphere so it is significant that we give importnce to rigt henisphre.And may be this can be achived in a way through some of the activities ı mentioned above.
Humans Acquire About
83% from sight
11% from hearing
3 % from smell
2 % from touch and
1 % from taste
Edgar Dale said that
People Generally Remember
10% of what they read
20% of what they hear
30% of what they see
50% of what they hear and see
70% of what they say and write
90% of what they say as they do a thing
The more senses we use, the more learning that takes place. For this reason using visual materials is very important. Moreover students should be active at learning. Teachers can use pictures, music and films in their lessons. Games can be used for vocabulary activities. Teachers should create activities by using both hemisphere.
The mysteries of human brain haven’t been solved entirely yet; but researches are going on. Based on the results of scientific tests, the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible from processing the data linear and logical, however, the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible from manipulating the data artistic and by using imagination skills so the right hemisphere would see thepicture as a whole.
Furthermore, the right hemisphere is influenced of feelings, beliefs and imaginations so it learns photographic and totally. Contraryly left hemisphere manipulates the data regularly, right hemisphere learns faster than the left hemisphere. Also, invention and producing are the functions of the right hemisphere.
While reading, both the right and left hemispheres work together;as a result of this, reading is the most effectual activity on the development of the brain lobs. Watching television usually passivizise the right lob, therefore it doesn’t have a possitive role on the balanced development of the brain.
People can remember the faces of others easier than their names. This is a proof of the effect of the right hemisphere on learning. Refering to a Chinese proverb “ It is better to see once than to hear for tousand times”, some people can remember the informations
Özge Kavak (Snf. Öğr. ÇAP)
There is a tendency to the right hemisphere of brain in school programs of Turkey.The tecniques which are about right hemisphere are useful in some lessons.Yet in English lesson,we can see that the teachers of our country and programs aren't enough.there are some deficiencies in general.The proof of this is that children are good at reading,comprehension and grammer.Yet when we look at the rate of speaking,it is too low.Students have difficulty in speaking.After 8 year education,they still couldn't speak fluently.To overcome this,we can use different methods in teaching English.In teaching grammer,after giving grammer rules,teacher can want student to tell a memory to the classroom or anything else about himself/herself by using the newly learned structure.In listening parts,teacher can give a sheet to the students about a song then he/she can want them listen and find the missing words of the song.For vocabulary,teacher can give various vocabularies to the students and their meanings and then he/she can say,tell this to your friends and make them guess what it is.Besides teacher can give a topic and vocabularies related to it,then he/she say,write a small play,compose your own sentences and later act this in front of the classroom.
These activities can be widened by thinking over different tecniques.So that lessons will be more enjoyful and effective and the students will be motivated for learning English.3231060057
We have learned in our lesson that brain has two hemispheres,left and right ones.Besides,we have learned that they have different functions and controls different parts of our body.For instance,our left side of brain controls the right side of the body as well as right side's dominance on the left side of the body.Left hemisphere accomplishes most language processing functions:maths,logic and right hand while right hemisphere accomplishes fantasy,creativity,art and music,spatial,left hand.We also have watched such interesting examples as Christopher and Laura,savants,handicapped individuals despite their disabilities in certain spheres,show remarkable talents in others.They acquire the highly complex grammer of language but have few cognitive skills.After these samples we are certainly persuaded that left brain dominance and languauge acqusition .In order to decline this dominance ı try to create some activities.For example fisrstly we can find or create new songs with every grammer subject.Thus whlie left side is active to get the second language's grammer subject,right side is also active to get music and rhythm.Futhermore for teaching grammer and also vocabulary,we can let students act a play relevant to our subject and appropriate for vocabulary according to our students's level.While they are acting to play which urge them on making some spatial abilities.For instance we are teaching past simple tense,we can ask students to write a past event about their own and then act it on the board with some friends.Games are also important.Briefly while teaching,we have to adress five senses and also abilities to activate brain hemispheres simultaneously.
As we learned in the lesson brain has two hemisphere. Both of them have different access to learning. The left one is related with language, maths and logic. And the right one is related with creativity, art-music, spatial and fantasy. Although language is on the left, we can not only focus on the left side. But we must also give importance to the right . Indeed we must unit the left with the right if we want to teach foreign language successfully. because when we compound the activities which have access to both sides, the learning process will be more effective, sustainable... So what kind of activities can we do in our lessons...
we must use more visual materials rather than only explaning the subjects directly. For instance, ınstead of only telling story to the students and answering the related questions, we can encourage them to write their own stories and even acting them will be more enjoyable. Children will be activated by the lessons which are like playing games, writing stories and acting them, drowing pictures of the them .... we can enhance the list...Moreover. we can add the music into our lessons . With the songs sts will be more activated.
For example, according to the method TPR, sts are activated with the directions and sts make the commands physically. (acting the word: sts first understand the command then act it)
So learning process will be more effective.
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Really nice Blog!! It's a Great way to learn English Language. Well i have seen the Questions and Discussions. Thanks for the Blog and i would like to Appreciate your idea.
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冬に1人ボッチで家でご飯とかオヤスミなんて寂しすぎるょ~~っ!こんなところに書き込んだら削除されちゃいそうだけど少しでもきっかけ作らなくっちゃと思って書いてみましたっ!!気軽に会ったり出来たりする方ってこの掲示板見てませんか~!?良かったらメールくださいね★フリメだったら私気付けないんで携帯のアドレス乗せておくねっ!! love-sexy@docomo.ne.jp
最近旦那とマンネリで全然Hしてません。正直もうかなり欲求不満です…誰か相手してくれる方いませんか?空いている時間は多いと思うので都合は合わせやすいと思います。お互い楽しめる関係になりたいな。人妻でも平気な人いたら是非相手してください☆一応18歳以上の人限定でお願いします。上はどこまででも大丈夫なんで excellent.lady@docomo.ne.jp
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熟女だって性欲がある、貴方がもし人妻とSEXしてお金を稼ぎたいのなら、一度当サイトをご利用ください。当サイトには全国各地からお金持ちのセレブたちが集まっています。女性から男性への報酬は、 最低15万円からと決めております。興味のある方は一度当サイト案内をご覧ください
初めての書き込みでちょっぴり緊張してます、男の人と出会うきっかけがなくて!こう言う場をかりてみるのもひとつのきっかけですよね。周りの友達は彼氏とラブラブの毎日、あたしもラブラブな毎日を過ごしたい、21歳の恥ずかしがり屋なんで、年上で引っ張ってくれる人がいいです。メールしてくれたら返事は確実だよ♪ワクワクしながらメール待ってます love.love.happy-@docomo.ne.jp
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